Sunday, September 20, 2015

Text for Dramatic Monlogue

"Nervous" by D.M Larson


Of course. I'm always happy to help an officer of the law. My father was a police officer. I have a lot of respect for what you do.

Mom was always so worried about him... I was too... so worried about what might happen to him.  There are a lot of crazy people out there who aren't afraid to hurt a cop. We'd watch the news each night, worried we might hear something about dad.  The news would always do these horrible teasers... officer shot in the line of duty... story at 10...  mom would always scramble for the phone.   She had to know he was okay.  But I'd still stay up late and wait for him... every night... waiting.  I'd watch from my bedroom window and when I saw him come home, I could finally sleep.

End of Scene

(Here is the link to the website I got the monologue from:

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