Sunday, October 11, 2015

Senior Centers and Silent Movies

Performing a silent movie was surprisingly a very fun and exciting experience for me. I have never really known what silent movies were before this project. If you'd have asked me what a silent movie was, I would probably just stare at you blankly and ask how a movie could be silent and still be a movie. Well, now I know better and I really enjoy them! I loved working with the other girls in class for this project. We had a rocky start and experimented with a lot of different ideas, but as soon as we agreed on doing one about old people playing bingo we knew we had an idea we could work with. The plot actually came very easy to us- we didn't need to do a lot of brainstorming on it. We all agreed that it would be a really funny and cute silent movie. My role in my silent movie was the nurse of the senior center that I work at. I was the one character in the silent movie that wasn't elderly, so I had to clearly act out that I wasn't like them. I think I conveyed that I was a nurse well in the story because I moved at a normal pace and my body actions weren't delayed. I think in my facial expressions and emotions I conveyed that I was a nice caretaker that was trying her best to take care of the elderly. Well, a caretaker that gets a little exasperated working with cranky old people all day! Looking back on performing the silent movie, one thing I could've improved was showing the contrast between the kind and incredibly patient nurse at the beginning to the exasperated and annoyed nurse after a long day of dealing with angry seniors. However, I liked how I did my ending with Abby where we went off stage together on the wheelchair. It added a little romance to the plot and a lot of humor to the ending. One thing I definitely could've done better was to be more serious during rehearsals. Although I was having a great time rehearsing our silent movie, I could've been a little more serious and focused. However, I believe our final result we were all very serious and concentrated on performing well. One my group's biggest strengths in performing our silent movies is that we all worked very well together and our silent movie was made up of all of our ideas. We all really contributed to the movie and I think that's what made it so fun for us to perform and (hopefully!) very entertaining for the audience as well. Abby, Alexis, and Lisa all did a really good job as old people. They got super into character and did a great job. After we were done rehearsing each day, it was weird for me not to see them shaking with their canes and moving slowly! One of the most important factors for a silent movie is for the characters to be well understood, or stereotyped. They all did an excellent job stereotyping cranky old people at a senior center.

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