The character I portray in my short scene with Abby is named Ally. In the scene, Ally and Barbara (Abby's character) fight with each other over the last tube of Pringles.
Who is Ally?
Age: 28
Backstory: Ally grew up a spoiled only child with two loving parents who let Ally run the house. However, they always taught her to be proper and to have good manners. In this scene, I hope to portray Ally has a person who is proper and poised but is not afraid to argue to get her way because she is so used to it.
Family: Ally has no kids of her own because she does not want to be pregnant for 9 months and "get fat." She has one adopted child from Italy and a husband named Louis. She married her husband when she was 20 for "true love" aka, good looks and money. He is often at work and does not pay much attention to her, but Ally believes that he is very loyal to her because she is beautiful.
Education: Ally graduated college and medical school to become a nurse. She just finished her education and has been a nurse for a year.
Status and Living Situation: Ally is definitely a socialite in her neighborhood. She is not the most wealthy herself but, because of her husband, she has a lot of money. Many of her friends also have wealthy husbands, and they get together for dinner parties at least once a month. Ally is used to getting what she wants, so dealing with a person much different than her like Barbara will be challenging.
Motivation: Ally's motivation to come to the grocery store is to get some food for the week to bring home for her husband and kid. Pringles are her child's favorite snack food, so she decides to get the Pringles. It is not so much that Ally really wants the Pringles, but she is used to getting what she wants and it is outrageous to her that someone could so rude as to argue with her.
Good posture
Hands on hips while arguing
Hair kept in a tight bun with no flyaways
Fancy gold silver jewelry with pearls
High heels that always make an obnoxious 'clomp' sound
Slow, collected at the beginning of the monologue.
Hands folded or on hips as Ally gets more annoyed.
Rolling of eyes and exasperated sighs as Barbara gets madder.
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