Sunday, October 18, 2015

My acting journey and progress so far

Wow! I have come such a long way since the beginning of the school year, and it has only been 2 months. It feels like just yesterday I was sitting in the pews of St. Bridget Church at convocation surrounded by people I didn't know at all, starting high school. I still remember our first acting class, where we learned each other's names through games.

Since I have had experience acting before, I assumed that going into this class I would do really well and learn a couple extra tips, but not a lot more than I already knew. Boy, was I wrong! Well, I am satisfied with myself in acting class so far, but there are many things that I have learned and can still improve on. My first monologue I performed was easy for me because I wasn't playing a character, but rather myself. However, it was somewhat challenging for me to perform. One thing I struggled with was balancing good facial expressions with good body language. It was much more hard for me than I thought! Each draft I did of my monologue, either I would have great facial expressions and poor body language or great body language and movement but horrible facial expressions. It took me a lot of attempts to get a monologue that balanced both of those out well.

My second monologue was definitely a challenge for me. I loved the monologue, but knew it would be a stretch for me to perform. The character I had to portray was very different than any I have played before. Also, the monologue was very confusing to block. The first couple times I performed the monologue to the class, everyone didn't' really know what I was performing. It was disheartening to me because I thought I was doing well, but I learned from others' feedback on how to make it more believable. Everyone's advice and encouragement helped me to do better with my dramatic monologue. I still don't think I did the best job with this monologue and could've chosen a more simpler one to perform, but looking back the monologue was a good choice because it made me learn many things about the importance of blocking and body movement to convey emotions.

My most recent performance in acting class was the silent movie. This was by far my favorite assignment to perform because I like working in groups and performing comedically. One of my goals for the silent movie was portraying a nurse well. I think I worked hard and did a good job at fitting into that role! A couple nights ago I showed my mom the silent movie and she found it hysterical. I was so happy that she enjoyed watching the silent movie just as much as I did performing it. Of course. I have to thank Lisa, Alexis, and Abby for doing an amazing job at being old people.

My goals for this upcoming semester are to continue being focused in acting class and working hard. I also want to remember to take criticism as a gift, not an offense. My goal is to listen to the feedback of others and to give good feedback in return so our class as a whole can have a great experience acting!

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